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Month: September 2020

7 Days of Creation – Ages of the World Video Series

It is a known fact that in any crisis those who accept reality early, and adapt with faith, courage and a sound mind, are the ones who overcome. That’s why I’ve been speaking harsh reality for decades. Not to discourage people or to ruin their fun. No. I want to prepare them for the end of the world. For real. Most still don’t want to hear it. Yet, those who are ready for a teachable moment will benefit greatly from this Ages of the World video series.

Remember this: the end of the world is not just one heart-stopping moment. It is a series of years shaped like a funnel. Everyone gets dumped into the large end, and then meets many obstacles along the way, with a growing number being eliminated at each new compression. It is not just the end you have to worry about. It is every one of the lesser ends along the way that you will need to get past. If you overcome them all, then you will be among the small group of overcomers who emerge victorious at the final end of the funnel – to enter into indescribable and eternal joy! Whatever you do, See these videos! See these videos! Seven Days of Creation is the first video in this Ages of the World video series. Join us here at 8PM CST to view 7 Days of Creation.

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