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Eliyahu ben David Posts

Book Trailer: The Messianic Revelation Series Announcing Judment Day

Did you sense the global spiritual shift that occurred in 2008? The author predicted in advance the very changes that started unfolding upon the world during that year. His Radio listeners have seen the occurrence of predicted events as confirmation of this Revelation Bible Prophecy. Break the barrier of superficiality that clouds most teachings on Revelation. This unique Hebraic approach will help you to have a sense of certainty about what Revelation really means as Revelation will become as relevant to your daily life as your morning newspaper. According to this Hebraic account of Revelation, Divine judgments that have waited for millennia are now being unrolled upon the world. The insights gained from rightly understanding Revelation can aid you personally to be prepared for these judgment events, so that you can emerge through them with a favorable outcome.

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